Mapping The World: Quarry

Mapping The World: Quarry
Steel Hunters

Published: February 22nd 2025
Welcome Hunters!
In our previous articles we tried to shed light on the different gamedev facets and thought processes behind decisions we made in various particular cases. For instance in the Maryland Heights special we explained the initial inspirations and references for the thematic zones and objects on the map as well as introduced an overall creation pipeline; whereas in the Crimson Ridge publication we told you in more detail about the blocking and level design aspects then looked at the technical objects on the map and their purpose in addition to the general information. This time is a bit special—we're taking a deeper look at Quarry ready for completion and soon to be renamed "Stonecutter Keep."
Change of Scenery
There's always something cooking in the background and getting ready to resurface when the stars align and the same is true for the Quarry map. As usual the first step for the development team was to create the vision setting and feeling of the map along with the gameplay/level design ideas that would make it distinct from the two existing ones.This map takes terrain exploitation to a new level with a height variance three times greater than that seen in Crimson Ridge. Along with this increased verticality Quarry introduces a variation in the distribution and density of cover spots that's quite different from other maps we've designed. This change aims to encourage more tactical gameplay and offer a wider range of opportunities for strategic maneuvers including numerous passages for interception. It's not biased towards a specific playstyle and it effectively caters to those who prefer engagements at medium to close ranges with plenty of opportunities to make use of cover to close the distance.Concept-wise the map has endured several rounds of reimagining. Below you'll see some of the first designed art pieces that got discarded when the level design principles stepped into the picture. When we work on Arenas we try to create various points of interest so that players have goals and places where they want or need to go. Consequentially some of the concepts turned out to have only one big place where everyone could meet and have a face-off so such ideas had to be shelved for the future. We've started digging deeper (pun absolutely intended) to find the right outline with better balance of coverage and open spaces.Initially in terms of mood we planned to set the map somewhere in modern-day Alaska or Canada with frosty mountains and lots of pine trees. But the forests are smaller than the Hunters themselves and won't provide any cover and Quarry itself is quite a bare space with just height differences. Moreover such placement looks very similar to the existing Maryland Heights map which is something we would like to avoid.After long deliberation and numerous meetings we've decided to base our newly born Arena in another perhaps quite surprising place—the UK! Rich in natural and man-made landmarks it has a lot to offer: gray moody skies lush greenery and actual quarries that have been redesigned by humanity which might happen in the future universe of Steel Hunters as well. The Isle of Skye the Yesnaby Cliffs and the seaside—that's our new vector for the future development of the Quarry map. The feeling that you get from current concept art in the game will be maintained but we're confident that we'll be able to convey this industrial feeling without going into 50 shades of gray and beige.
Industrial Revolution
Mining can't be imagined without some gigantic heavy-duty machinery and the Steel Hunters team won't disappoint in that regard. These objects have several purposes on the map: apart from the aesthetical reasons they are destined to serve as cover for already big Hunters as they are exponentially larger. Another reason for their creation is to become an easily identifiable landmark visible from afar. We have similar objects on Maryland Heights and Crimson Ridge like the Launch Pad or Water Tower. Our concept artists and the modeling team devoted a lot of time to researching existing quarries and connected facilities the principles of operation and the purpose of each mechanism and building.Among different loaders bores and other quarry paraphernalia the central stage is given to the gigantic HBI (Hot Briquetted Iron) factory with an imposing tower visible from most places. We're staying true to the realistic functionality of the buildings and mechanisms so our construction consists of the Shaft Furnace Cooling systems Reformers and the adjacent Transportation Links. In our universe such a factory may work with other ores or metals as Steel Hunters is set in the distant future.Like a testament to the most wealth-generating and probably one of the oldest sprawling industries on Earth the menacing silhouette of the furnace looks like an obelisk from days long gone. Now this factory serves as a playground for the Survivors' War contestants.Such a big factory wouldn't be feasible without a proper cooling system to match its size as the temperatures in the kiln reach a shocking 700°C!Another realistic and gigantic piece of equipment in Quarry is the Bucketwheel Reclaimers. These are huge cranes with conveyors that create dumps of mined rock for further transportation. Here you can see the initial reference for the Reclaimer as well as the final product in the game.Speaking of the transportation means this map has plenty. A well-developed track system permeates the entire map with one of the thematic zones being a Railway Repair Station that will be partially destructible. Other Quarry dwellers are enormous dump trucks that will play the role of future hideouts for the tallest Hunters as they are around 8 meters tall. We plan to add destructible vehicles as well—small personnel transportation trucks and cars that are actually used in real life on such sites.It's impossible to ignore the Excavators aka "Diggers" that you can meet on the map. Truth be told they took the spotlight during the initial Steel Lab Playtest and generated the most positive emotions from players. We'll share a small secret with you—these are slightly bigger than in real life to serve their purpose as cover during shootouts.
Local Tour
The Quarry map you're going to play on will be remarkably different from the first drafted product when we started this long ago during our Alpha Test stage. It also should be noted that apart from creating the arena itself we were working on the surrounding "out of the bounds" objects and topology so the map itself doesn't exist in a vacuum and is grounded in reality. The change of the scenery and locations also created new points of interest or so-called thematic "Zones " now tethered to the more known real landmarks. Below you can see how our perception of the map and its zones have changed throughout the development process and how we envision the map in its reworked state. Be mindful that it's only the raw draft and the overall layout and starting points might end up being totally different like any other work in progress.The northern part of Quarry 2.0 is planned to provide access to the coastal seaside with small islands that will be reachable whereas the south will be hugged by the picturesque mountain range and sport a unique zone that has been reclaimed from the ex-Quarry and made into ecological heaven with hydroponics and orchards to boot. As the map will have significant height differences in certain zones players can expect to see Viaducts in the vicinity.
What The Future Holds
After that Playtest Quarry went back to the welcoming hands of our level designers artists and modelers and YOUR feedback and active participation during the test aided us in the rebuilding process. This is how much we value and always have valued your feedback. So always feel free to still hit us with your improvement suggestions as you roam around our Quarry map .One more thing: If you're curious about how much really changed since we first released this Article during V0.26 and now take a look at the Gallery of new images we included right here at the bottom of this article. :)And of course enjoy the game!Happy mining hunting!
Go to the original article on the official Steelhunters Steam page