
Razorside Hunter Overview
Steel Hunters Wiki


Hit Points Shield Weapon Damage Ability Power
7700 2100 140 0


Assault Rifle Ability Icon

Assault Rifle

Assault rifle that operates best at close to medium range. High damage per second and controllable recoil.

Mainframe Ability Icon


Core System that enhances stats and abilities. Use Mods to unlock unique effects ans synergies.

Shield Recharge Ability Icon

Shield Recharge

Instantly restores a set number of shield points.

Frag Grenade Ability Icon

Frag Grenade

Launches a frag grenade with a timed fuze.


Razorside Hunter - Steel Hunters
Razorside Hunter - Steel Hunters

Razorside is a highly adaptable Hunter constructed exclusively for combat, his loadout is tailored to do some real damage over medium ranges and inflict intense burst damage.

Jason Miller Jr., once a relentless soldier with the Marines, turned his back on war after witnessing its devastation. He became a selfless helper of abandoned villages. When Mayday Omega threatened humanity, he led the charge for spots on departing shuttles. Hiding on the stations, he gathered survivors and raided corporate stores for provisions. Captured during a raid for survival, he faced a grim choice: become a Hunter or witness his followers' demise.

Jason Miller Junior's childhood dream was to become a soldier. So single-minded was he in his ambition that he skipped traditional school and learned how to shoot a gun before he could even read or write. He enlisted in the Marines before the US was dissolved as an entity and fought valiantly in the last two wars before the great migration to space. But something changed in him when he saw the Earth drown in raging, wanton violence—the very concept of waging war lost its meaning to Jason. To fill this void and try to make amends for the part he had played in all of it, he parted ways with the army and started helping local villages that had been abandoned by the authorities.

When the final bell tolled its message of doom for the world in the form of Mayday Omega, Miller returned home. Lacking money and with no idea about what his next steps should be, he felt lost, but he still had two things from his military days—his sense of honor and his nickname, "Razor." He had earned it due to his tendency to operate on the thin edge of what a soldier is permitted to do, often risking his life for the less fortunate.

Out of options and unwilling to watch those left behind suffer while the privileged survived, Jason was left with no other choice but to pick up his weapon and blast a path to one of the last shuttles leaving Earth with some of those who would be left behind. Once on the station, he led an underground life, gathering people around him and raiding corporate warehouses for food.

During one such raid, he was ambushed and captured along with some of his crew. A choice was given to him—become a Steel Hunter or watch his followers die.