Steel Hunters News and Patch Database

Dev Kitchen - Making of the Reveal Trailer

Dev Kitchen - Making of the Reveal Trailer

On December 13, 2024, STEEL HUNTERS made its grand debut at The Game Awards. After more than a year of hard work and countless hours, we faced the challenge of condensing our vast and immersive world into just a few seconds of cinematic sto...

1 month ago
Hunter Stories: Razorside

Hunter Stories: Razorside

Weighing in at 55 tons, standing 8.20m tall, and armed with an assault rifle almost half his size, he is an impeccable machine built for combat. But Jason Miller Jr. was a US Marine famed for his courage and skill long before undergoing Hun...

1 month ago
Dev Kitchen - Colossus

Dev Kitchen - Colossus

The ability to transform into the destructive Colossus has always been a much discussed feature in Steel Hunters that polarized player feedback. We've been listening and have completely reworked Colossus to add more depth, skill and also ri...

1 month ago
v0.39 Version Highlights

v0.39 Version Highlights

Welcome to the Version Highlights for Steel Hunters v0.39! In these sneak peaks we'll be highlighting the big changes coming in each new version before the Changelog releases. For version 0.39 this includes a revamped New Player Experience ...

1 month ago
V0.38 Retrospective

V0.38 Retrospective

Greetings Hunters! First off we would like to thank everyone who joined us for the World Premiere Playtest after our official announcement at The Game Awards . Showcasing our was a big moment for us—and yes the word "teaser" means that th...

1 month ago
The Forge: Audio

The Forge: Audio

Ouverture"What does the future sound like?"When tasked with creating the sound design of a post-apocalyptic hero-shooter set in the year 2099, our Audio team was indirectly tasked with answering this question. The soundtrack in Steel Hunter...

1 month ago
Mapping The World: Crimson Ridge

Mapping The World: Crimson Ridge

At every stage of map creation, our team's main focus is Steel Hunters' signature core gameplay. Leaning on it, our designers strive to create the most unique and visually appealing locations for you to play in. While conceptualizing our se...

1 month ago

Welcome to the Steel Hunters News Database. Here you can find a list of all current and past news articles about Steel Hunters.

Steel Hunters News Overview Page
Steel Hunters News Overview Page